Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Singing was always a big part of my home growing up - there were no professional entertainers but I think there were a lot of wannabees. My parents played their music on the record player and eight track, and my sister and I would listen until we memorized the lyrics. They also taught us songs and constantly sang throughout the house and thru osmosis we learned them. Then we got old enough to go to Girl Guide Camps and learned the campfire greats like kumbahyah and blowin in the wind.

Today I sing around my house trying to teach my kids those great songs like One Tin Soldier, Clementine and many more. Hard to compete I know, with the Black Eyed Peas. I also started reading poetry to my kids and am asking (forcing) them to learn to memorize and recite the poems back to me. I have recently considered this my responsibility. I began to lose sight of the importance of moving our history, stories and fables forward in place of sports, tv and computer time. Bad mommy, no really this is so important. So regardless of what you have to miss, or whether you are a lousy singer or poetry reader - take the time. Read a great fable, teach your kids a poem or put the fire on and sing campfires burning. Corny maybe but this is how memories are made