Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Hey I would be the first to say we need to look at our consumption and make it stop, but I am as guilty as the next over consumer. I love the way certain things are packaged, I love a funky pair of shoes and sometimes stuff sits in my fridge and never gets opened until it goes bad. I spend most of my time telling my kids don't be caught up in the way things look, don't jump on the next fad and definitely eat everything on your plate because the majority of the world is starving and we have so much. I am such a hypocrit!

Well that is how it started this morning. Yesterday there was a TV commercial being shot in my hubbys studio that is connected to our house - sounds exciting - no its not. I had to be out of the house most of the day and when I did get back home I had to go down into our basement to do my work because I wasn't allowed to make any noise. So I turned on the TV and lights down there and turned the heat up because it was so damp. Shortly after that one of my children came screaming home and needed me desparately. Luckily the commercial gig was over. I ran upstairs and got what they needed. Like most moms I was assigned several new tasks as the family came home, plus I was still doing my work and putting in a wash - oh yes and making supper too (wow I have come a long way baby) I digress. . . the point is I never got back downstairs. This is where it gets ugly.

This morning Jim woke up and started off saying the bed was too hot - he wanted me to push over but I couldn't because I 7 year old had come in in the middle of the night. P.S. recently my mother warned me this could be hurting my marriage. Thanks mom! Anyway, shortly after that Jim started calling me out - "you left the light, heat and TV on last night - what are you thinking - you call yourself Ms. Conservation (I don't but anyway) and you waste eletricity like that!" I then responded with at least I don't drive an SUV.

Things were so much easier in the 50's when we knew so little or at least we said we did. No really I have made a commitment to Mother Earth and I regret being so forgetful. Like my diet, today is a new day. Today I will do better for her! What are your best conservation tips and does anyone else argue about saving Mother Earth?

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