Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I was an average student - very involved in school activities - very social! On almost every report card would be the following - "Suzanne is a good student, but she is a little chatty!" I even received this same comment on a employment evaluation in my 20's - "you have great ideas, you get a long with everyone, but you are a bit chatty." In my 40's I have become wise to my faults, and have tried to turn them around to a positive. I started my own business so I wouldn't have to have someone tell me to stop being so chatty, and I have turned my "chattiness" into good relationship marketing. Sometimes as a child what are elders see as a negative is really a positive. Some children are chastized for reading too much and being introverted, they often become the ones to capture their imagination on paper and become writers. Some are told they daydream too much, they may become inventors or entrepreneurs. Last year a teacher yelled at my son because he was picking up an ant, she said "we have to leave nature alone". On the other hand if we don't touch and feel nature how will we know how best to protect it. Those who live off the land have always been our best conservation advocates. What I am trying to say is what some see as a fault maybe a blessing in disguise. What blessings were misread in your life? How did it affect you?

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