Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Trying to do it all

Yep, I woke up this morning around 5:oo am and faced my stress head on. . . what was my stress, - work, finance, marriage, ill father, stressed mother? no, none of the above - it was what were the kids going to do for hair for crazy hair day at their school winter carnival - priorities out of check . . . yes. Why do we feel as mothers we have to do it all? How do make time for ourselves without feeling guilty? Got any advice?

1 comment:

  1. I just came from a speech therapist appointment and she told me that I have been ignoring the problems with my voice because I am a low priority for myself. As mothers we need to look after ourselves so we can continue to look after those who depend on us. So remember to book the pap test (I need to do this), book the mammogram (cancelled mine due to illness in the family!), get a massage (make the time!!) I am going to take my advice and now go make some calls.
