Wednesday, March 18, 2009


If you follow my blog in any regularity in the future you will soon realize, I suffer from insomnia. It is something I plan to work out through meditation, relaxation methods and possibly warm milk, but I am not there yet. So I woke up this morning struggling to wake up, and I am still not there yet. Two cups of seriously strong coffee, and I am still foggy. So I thought I would just list off things this morning happening in our world that already have me perplexed:

1. in a time of recession/depression video game sales are souring
2. people who stay angry
3. the medical system
4. the education system
5. how AIG management justify millions of dollars in bonuses for leading their company to destruction, when in my whole life I only received a bonus if my sales hit the roof.
6. why I stay up to watch American Idol
7. how do I have so many socks that don't match
8. why Canadians talk National when the don't include east of Montreal
9. why we seem to be throwing our connectors away newspapers, cbc, magazines etc.
10. why yesterday I spent 100.00 in groceries and I need to back to the grocery store again today!

Anything perplexing you today? Writing this out made me feel really good - try it!

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